where to invest 100,000euro for 10 years ?

I'm with clubman on that one. Alan Greenspan once said there is no quicker way to lose money than trying to bet on Forex. Is about as close to gambling as it gets. Unless you're a very wealthy man with money to throw around or you think that all the fuss over the current account deficit in the US (at an all time record) has been grossly overplayed then I'd say stay out. There are plenty of logical ways out there to get diversified without getting into speculative crystal ball reading. Then again I'm not a financial advisor
If you believe that the dollar is undervalued, a far safer way to make a currency bet is simply to buy your shares mostly in companies whose earnings are largely in dollars, and who are quoted on an American exchange, or if you prefer a managed fund, to buy a fund which is largely invested in US.
The individual is a finance trainer and author of 2 books on wealth accumulation. The main reason was with the dollar being so low that a bulk buy know could(should ! )yield profit in the medium term.

what % of your asset allocation did this advisor advise you to put into dollars. i am no expert but some commentators say the dollar can go to 1.50 so I am not sure why he is advising you to invest in them now. I hope he backed his advise with some decent knowledge. Currencies are very volatile and very high risk I would hope that your allocation represents this but then again it would depend on your view on risk.