Where to get well-rotted manure (Dublin area)?


Registered User
Anyone know of anywhere in the Dublin area (preferably south side), currently offering (cheap or free) well-rotted manure?
Try goverment buildings

But seriously I came across a place near Bray as soon as I have directions or a phone number I'll post them.
Word has it now that Dubli City Council are charging for garden waste at their bring centres that they will now be providing compost free of charge. Not sure if this has happened yet or if it is what you are looking for.
Har har SLF (I would appreciate those Bray directions though)

Deas, don't get me started on the green waste thing and DCC! I'm in correspondance with my TD on this issue at the mo (not getting very far though).

The service, which offers the disposal of green waste at recycle centres, used to be free. Since 19 January 2009 DCC are charging €2 per bin bag or a whopping €16 per skip bag for the privilege of providing DCC with raw material which they subsequently sell on to a company that produces compost commerically from the green waste.
Howdy SLF, did you ever find that manure contact?

Sorry Colla I've been out of circulation with a dose for the last few days.

The place I came across was on the way down to Greystones can't remember where exactly.

If or when I come across it again I'll post it up for you

I think the name of the place in Bray is Festina Lente and is on the old connaught avenue which is not far from the end of the M50 where it meets the M11, (take first turn off for bray, right at roundabout, right at next lights= old conna ave)

Hope this helps
Ta very much folks.

I've heard of Festina Lente and gave them a buzz. They apparently offer small bags of manure (half the size of a compost bag) for €2 a pop but aren't open on Saturdays.
Ring Brennanstown riding school ask for Brian they have lots of Manure and would be glad to sell it to you they are just at the NII exit before Kilmac