where to get a good fake tan done?


Registered User

I've a wedding to go to next week and was thinking of getting a professional tan done-probably spray tan. I'm very pale as ive red hair so i don't want to get anything that'll be too dark for me.(past experience they haven't looked good on me).
Can anyone reccommend a beauty salon in cork that does a good one?

Hi I don't think the salon matters as much as the fake used, some of the salons use cheap tans, I always use san tropez tan and it never comes out streaky and lasts a lot longer than the cheaper ones
I would definitely agree with using St Tropez tan. It's the only one that I have used that doesn't look orange and looks natural. I personally would stay away from the spray tan and use the St Tropez Mousse. You can put in on yourself and do a trial during the week to see how it turns out on your skin (exfoliate and moisturise first!)

Another St Tropez mousse user here, definatly recommend it.
Sun FX Spray tan. Good salons use it. You can vary the shade and have a paler one for paler skin.
A friend got the St Tropez spray tan done at Rochestown Park, it looked very natural, no streaks.
Get a bottle of top image tan, €25 in nearly any chemist in Cork, and do it yourself. Less than the price of a salon tan and you'll have it for ages. You can see it go on, very hard to do it wrong.
I use Blue Daisy (beauty salon) on Oliver Plunkett Street - close to the Old Oak (left of entrance and same side of street). I have had the spray tan a number of times before big do's and it has always looked well. For me I would have it done on the Thursday evening if the wedding was on the Saturday. The staff there are very nice and would advise you what looks best. (No affiliation, just a long term customer).

Probably not the answer you need at all BUT here it is anyway......red hair and pale skin sounds beautiful. Tan is totally over and fake looking. Pale delicate skin will always win IMO. Anyway, sorry if you really were set on the tan!
Probably not the answer you need at all BUT here it is anyway......red hair and pale skin sounds beautiful. Tan is totally over and fake looking. Pale delicate skin will always win IMO. Anyway, sorry if you really were set on the tan!

MAC sell a body foundation which you can put on your arms and legs etc to blend away any blemishes etc. It works along the same line as the product Nicole Kidman supposedly uses for the *************************, pale and interesting look.
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