Where to deposit money that is completely safe?

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Registered User
Is there any place to deposit money that will be completely safe and will have good enough interest rate?

Talking about 30k, don't need to touch it for at least 12months +
the nature of risk/reward is that the "completely safe" does not have to pay high interest rates to attract deposits. So on that basis your first criterion would be Rabo where you can earn 2.25% on demand. Their rating is the strongest you can get at AAA. If it is good interest you want then buy Irish Government Bonds where the yield would be about 8% for buying e.g. sep-2012 bonds. But then you have a high risk of default and a rating of close to Junk.

If you are even mentioning the words completely safe, means that you should put your money into Rabo. Certainly not one of the poorly rated local banks, Post Office etc.
Savings Certs will give you roughly 600 euro interest for 13 months on your figure.
Savings Certs will give you roughly 600 euro interest for 13 months on your figure.

The OP asked for a safe investment. Investing in the Irish national debt via NTMA savings products cannot be regarded as being a safe option right now.
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