Where to convert Stg to Euro


Registered User
I have 20k in £Stg which I need to convert to Euro.
The money exists in a bank in Northern Ire.
(Tax man knows about this money)
Question is where is it most cost effective to change this to Euro.

1) Convert to Euro in the bank in Nth Ire.
2) Withdraw in Stg and then convert to Euro in a bank in the ROI.
3) Other money changing options ?

Your help and suggestions would be appreciated.
If it's in a bank in NI and you want to bring it down I would recommend transfermate. Best rates.
(Tax man knows about this money)
This information is between you and Revenue. I suppose you are trying to head off potential remarks by busybodies and self appointed police here.

Ask the bank for a rate but you will get a better rate from currency brokers like Transfermate or HiFx.

Maybe lean on your bank if it has branches north and south.
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