Where to buy in Dublin 15


Registered User
I am living in a 3 bedroomed house up in Castlecurragh Estate in Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 and after 5 years am thinking of selling up and moving. Anti social behaviour has gotten really bad in the area and am getting fed up with it all.

Anyway I am looking for a 3 bedroomed house in the Dublin 15 area. Ideally somewhere quite (cul de sac etc) and that does not have a management company(The one in Castlecurragh is attrocious). Also somewhere where I have a private area outside my house to park my car (gates etc) as we dont have that in Castlecurragh.

Price range would be 400,000 max. I have looked on myhome.ie and have spotted some nice houses in Clonsilla, Lahunda, Mountview etc but I havnt a clue what those areas are like and I dont want to move from the frying pan to the fire.

Id appreciate any advice people here have .


I think Clonsilla would be the better bet in your price range. Lahunda is a more mature estate. The Estates in Clonsilla are newer (mgt fees?). Have you thought of Carpenterstown, traffic can be very heavy but its quite nice. Ongar also nice and meant to be quiet.I lived in Blanch (off clonsilla rd for a few years and had no issue)
Riverwood in Carpenterstown is lovely. I've lost track of what they sell for , but there is no management company, you have your own driveway. The houses are now around 8 - 10 years old.

I lived in Riverwood for a year about 7 years ago and really liked it there and it was so handy for getting the train into town.. The houses are quiet expensive though as far as I know around 500,000 +
In Clonsilla, the newest estates would be Castlefield, Charnwood, Sorrell Park & Mount Symon. All nice IMO. Still I think you'll struggle to hit the 400k mark. I believe you may need to raise it to 430ish for a 3 bed in any of these estates.
You could buy a house in St. Mochta's estate, Coolmine (very convenient to the train station ) for just under 400,000. There are quite a few houses for sale in the estate and last year would have achieved probably about 430,000 now they have gone down substantially check out my home.ie. The estate is very handy for bus and train but not the best kept estate as i would say a lot of houses rented out but the investors are pulling out of the market at the moment.
Have you thought about Clonee. It is still basically Dublin 15 and seems to be a very nice area. 3 bed semis are in your price range, including this one which is a 4 bed semi:

[broken link removed]=
Does it have to be D15? You could get yourself a nice 3-bed house comfortably within your budget in some parts of D11. No need to be subjected to management fees and agents either. You won't necessarily be having tea and crumpets on the lawn with your neighbours but with a budget of €400k you will be a world a way from the type of problems you have described in Castlecurragh.
Mountview and Lohunda (for that it how it is spelt) are both really old Blakestown, and whereas there was some trouble years ago with ‘incursions’ from the nearby estates of Whitechapel, Sheepmoor, Sheephill, Fortlawn etc. it’s been a while since I heard of any problems. Lohunda is the nearest to Clonsilla Village but both are walkable to it. By Clonsilla whereabouts else are you looking at? The newer estates like Limelawn, Charnwood etc.? If you could afford it and need to commute to town I’d be looking at somewhere nearer Blanchardstown on the Clonsilla or Roselawn Roads. My parents live in Glenville and there’s a house there that was on for €540,000 and is now under €500k.
Thanks everybody for the advice. Ideally I would love to live in Manor St/Stoneybatter as that is where I grew up and I love the area.. However the prices of the houses there are way out of my range.

To be honest as long as there was a handy bus route/train route into town and the area was relatively quiet I wouldnt mind living in Dublin 15, 11, 7)..
There's good value to be had in finglas at the moment,three bed houses in decent areas still under 400k,eg Finn Eabair in finglas west.
There's good value to be had in finglas at the moment,three bed houses in decent areas still under 400k,eg Finn Eabair in finglas west.

Not sure where Finn Eabair is but I'd back this statement alright.

There was a reasonable 3-bed for €317,500 (gone now for more or less I don't know) on the Mellowes Rd right beside the new Garda station being built and that is fairly indicative of prices in the general area.

For your kind of budget you could probably even stretch to Finglas East along the Ballygall road which is very nice.

I'd agree with this. Nearer Blanchardstown on the Clonsilla or Roselawn Roads, the better. Or further away towards Clonee. The main trouble spot was the old Blakestown and some of Huntstown. None of thats gone away even if its been diluted by the vast numbers of new housing estates they are building. IMO the over development of those area will always lead to some social problems eventually. High density schemes with shared parking and little space will also be potential for problems.

That said all it takes is a few people in any area, and no area is immune to that.

D.15 is vastly over developed, terrible traffic problems that will just get worse, and I think a lot of the new developments are very over priced aswell. I think you would be better off spending a lot of time investigating other areas, where you might find a mature road. I try get near a train station or a good bus route though if you need to commute.

Clonsilla covers a HUGE area now. But I would agree with others posters, stay along the Clonsilla road or Roselawn, Glenville, Riverwood, Carpenterstown, Laurel Lodge. I would prefer to buy an older house in any of these areas rather than any of the new estates in "Clonsilla". I know your budget is limited, but you might be able to get a house that needs a bit of work done to it at the right price. As they say, location is everthing and thats what you're paying for.
Well after last nights incident I am definately going to look around for somewhere new to live.

Somebody pulled the door of my car back to break into at around 1/2 this morning.. I didnt see anybody do it but only noticed it when i went to bed. Thankfully nothing was taken and I was able to fix the door.

Because of that I left my bedroom window open so that I could be alert for any more trouble... and trouble we got... a half hour ago I heard talking outside "Go on do it"... I looked out the window to see 2 scumbags one of which had thrown a rock through the back window of my next door neighbours car.. I shouted at them and they looked up at me, pulled their hoodies up and ran up into the scumbag estate next to us ....they stood at the corner up there and looked down to see what I was going to do.

I rang the guards and fair play to them they were here within 10 minutes....Think I will leave my car down in my parents for a while.. Its so annoying... You cant even relax in bed now cos you are waiting for something else to happen. Seriously sick of this place now.. Its not worth the hassle living here.. I have spent the morning looking at myhome.ie and have seen some nice houses in Maynooth, Athy and Celbridge.. Maynooth would be fine for commuting but not sure about the other 2.
Sorry this Gazzer. It really does seem like there are terrible anti-social problems where you are living. Personally I couldn't do the whole commuting thing from places like Athy or Celbridge.

As has been suggested by myself and Wexfordguy, you can get 3-bed houses in nice estates in Finglas for comfortably within your budget.
If it was me, I'd choose Maynooth before Finglas ..... The train from Maynooth will have you into Dublin City Centre in 30 mins. Thats not a long commute. But Gazzer before you buy, take a drive out to the area you are thinking of moving to. Go on a Friday or Saturday evening. Drive around. Park & observe. Are there groups of youths hanging around ? Boy racers ? Are young trees left alone to grow ? Are the houses well painted and the gardens looked after ? All these little things can tell you so much about an area. Good luck.