Where is good to buy Nursery Furniture


Registered User
Hi all,

Well i have two friends of mine expecting their little ones next year and was wondering(as i dont have any children or experiance with this stuff yet) were are the good shops to buy baby items such as clothes and bottles ect and furniture such as cots,buggies,baths ect. I knw mothercare stock a lovely range of things but was hoping soeone might share their knowledge of different places that may not be so expensive or when to go shopping as will be broke by the time they have their babies if i bought alot of the stuff in mothercare. Plus have other firends to pass any of your knowledge onto!
Thanks a mill x
Depends where you are. For eg Tralee Gas and Nursery Supplies ( in Tralee, obviously)are excellent and very knowledgable.
I was surprised to find that smyths toy shop had a lot of reasonable quality, reasonably priced stuff. I don't think there is any one place that you can get everything however...
the problem with nursery furniture is its pricey for the creche standard stuff. We got home furniture for a playroom in the house, llittle tables, chairs etc and only got a year out of them with 2 kids (now aged 3 and 1). We looked into getting sturdier kit from the places that creches buy from but the cost was prohibitive. homebase/atlantic etc also do a nice range.

could do worse then ask your local primary school where they get their tables and chairs from.