Where in Cavan??



Myself and my family are hoping to move to somewhere in Co. Cavan, within comutible distance (hour and half max) from North Co. Dublin, in the next year or so.

Where is a nice place to move to?

would love a rural dwelling, but within easy reach of a national school and of course good roads/quickest route to work etc.

Thanks in advance.
I don't know Cavan very well (apart from Virginia) but I think you need to look at somewhere with easy access to the new M3.
Kingscourt and other areas in North-East of the county are quite accessible to the M1 & N2. Both these roads are imho much preferable to the disastrous N3 route that will soon mutate into a €10+per day toll M3.
what about athlone, mullingar or longford ? i would much prefer these areas to Cavan but then i am biased ! if i were to have to live in Cavan for any reason then i would actually pick Virginia and plenty of good houses to choose from.
mosstown all three places you mentioned are nice, but they're off the M50 and M4/N4 and that means loads of traffic from the north side of Co. Dublin.
Cavan is the most convenient for us and houses much cheaper the more west we head.
Whats Cavan town like?
Whats Cavan town like?

Why not go and have a look? You shouldn't rely on the opinions of strangers on questions as important as where you might live.Book into a local hotel for a weekend, and wander about and try to get the feel of the place.

I don't much like Cavan Town, but I am sure that lots of people live quite happy lives there.

Yes, if their names are Smith, Brady or (O')Reilly!!
I might be biased on this one too but I can pretty much tell you from my experience Cavan is one of the most insular, mean-spirited places in this country. There are of course decent people there but if you're hoping to integrate with the Community best of luck because once a blow in always a blow in no matter what you do. The old farts in the pub who sit around all day whinging garner more respect than "blow-ins" who actually make an effort to improve things or involve themselves in the community!

But best of luck!!
I am not too familiar with Cavan, but I live in N.Dublin. You would want to test your proposed routes to work carefully in peak hour traffic, at the times you propose to travel, before you commit to buying. I live in North Dublin and the traffic is horrendous during peak hour. If it is the outer parts North of Co. Dublin - i.e. Balbriggan, Skerries, Lusk, Donabate, Rush, etc. then it should not be too bad. We live on the outer edge of North Dublin City - before the postcode changes to Co. Dublin and the traffic is a nightmare on most of the main roads. It can take me 1 - 1/2 hours to get to work in the city centre some mornings (leaving at 7.30am).

The above is true in my experience too! Scary place!! Visit, a few times, before you make that move. Also, it rains there all the time.
Not my experience at all - and I don't come from there.

I visit various parts of Cavan on a regular basis and I have to say I almost always enjoy it.

As a general point, IME the towns, villages and inhabitants of Cavan are not much different in attitude/culture than any other county with a comparable rural/urban ratio like e.g. Monaghan, Leitrim, Roscommon etc.
If you want to live in Cavan I'd say the best place is somewhere around Arklow!
If your talking about commuting to north county dublin, do you really want to go the whole way to Cavan to live? Would north east of Westmeath, the west of Meath be just as good?

Heres a list of possible places to consider:

Delvin, Co. Westmeath (via N3, 77km, pop: 558)
Medium sized village, nearly halfway between Mullingar & Navan

Clonmellon, Co. Westmeath (via Backroads, 65km, pop: 350)
Medium sized village, on the road to Kells

Athboy, Co. Meath (via Backroads, 55km, pop: 6,400)
Medium sized town, but population overstates size, popular commuter town

Kells, Co. Meath (via N3, 63km, pop: 5,248)
Medium sized town, but population overstates size, popular commuter town

Ballivor, Co. Meath (via Backroads, 62km, pop: n/a)
Small village, popular commuter town

Killucan, Co. Westmeath (via M4, 70km, pop: 575)
Really nice little village not far from M4 & Mullingar

Multyfarnham, Co. Westmeath (via M4, 91km, pop: 193 (near Mullingar))
One of the most sceanic villages, near Mullingar, lakes, & M4... nice place!

And also:

Oldcastle, Co. Meath (via N3, 84km, pop: 2,226)
Virgina, Co. Cavan (via N3, 81km, pop: 4,796)
Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan (via N3, 90km, pop: 2,240)
Kingscourt, Co. Cavan (via M1, 90km, pop: 2,500)
Shercock, Co. Cavan (via M1, 99km, pop: 1,032)
Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan (via M1, 83km, pop: 1,964)

My favorite if I were you would be Multyfarnham or Killucan, but i'm biased!

Sadly this has been my experience also.
I also received a beating in a chipper because I have a Dublin accent.
yes, i would second Multyfarnham as a good choice. there is a good fee paying secondary school nearby (Wilsons Hospital School), lots of sports activities for kids and adults.
And, yes, Cavan is a funny old place ! and actually the people within different areas, say Belturbet/Ballyconnell one side of the county and Virginia the other side are like two different cultures completely. Cavan town is a bit of a kip but there are some great hotels in the county of Cavan.
Better not say much more, the majority of my family and extended family come from Cavan ! enough said.
Niall Toibin's jokes about Cavan people didn't just come out of nowhere ?!

That's right.

All Kerry people are thick too, all Cork people are streetwise 'cute hoors' and all Dublin people are criminals.
I worked in Bailieborough a few years ago and I have never come across a more backward town or more horrible people