Where can I find a professional tax advisor?


Registered User
I’m looking for information on how to find a professional tax advisor to work out my capital gains on an investment property I sold. Can anyone tell me what type of accountancy firm does this work for an individual?

I live in Dublin 15 and would prefer a directory of professional tax advisors within my area but I can’t seem to find such a directory online.

Final question, would anyone know how much a professional tax advisor may charge to work out my capital gains?

Thanks for any advice given
If this is a simple case that you bought an investment property and later sold it, and simply want the computation and tax return prepared, then any competent accountant (and indeed a fair few solicitors) would be able to do the computation.

If there are quirks about the transaction (property recently inherited, sold a part only; sold in lots; used part for your own business) then you might need to be directed to a more expert adviser- but once you have instructed him\her, your accountant (or solicitor) should know if a referral is required. Never hesitate to say to your tax adviser\accountant\solicitor that if they are not sure of a matter, you are happy to have it referred for second opinion - it is often false economy not to.

You should be able to find a list of tax advisers on the site of the Institute of Taxation.
Thanks for the advice MOB. It’s a bit complicated. I bought it with my father who has since past away. I have not lived in it for about 4 years. I bought a place with my partner 4 years ago. My Sister had lived in it for the past few years but moved out early this year. I did not charge her rent as agreed with my Dad. Sale finally went through two weeks ago, lots of hassle with the purchaser and EA.
I have found Patrick Lane & Co. to be helpful regarding CG taxes, though not in Dublin 15, he is in town. His site is fixmytax.com. Hope this helps
Thanks U2fan I'm looking for an advisor aswell. Can anyone tell me if you get tax relief for using a prof tax advisor to do your books? I've been doing our self assessment forms for two years now. I can still do it but we're not very well off and I just don't want to spent 2-300Euro on getting my taxes done. I'd pay 100 though!

When you say "do our books" I assume that you mean you have a business and require financial statements preparing and you do not just require a tax return filing. It's extremely unlikely, regardless of how small the business/work required is, that you will get a professional tax advisor / accountant to do returns for €200-300 let alone €100.
Graham, I just meant fill out form 11(with me doing most of it- just advice on the sticky things e.g. our rent a room scheme that I asked a question about before). My husband is self assessed. He does contract writing. Gee, sorry if I insulted all the tax advisors out there. I don't have a clue how much these things cost and actually enjoy doing it myself. I just want things to be right. So any idea how much that'd cost then?
prices will vary. Some have minimum charge of, say €250+vat. Best bet is to phone any accountants in your area and get quotes.
Thanks Beckie, that's really good to know as I really had no clue. Looks like I'll be doing it myself then with a lot of calls to the tax office. Sure that's what they're paid for!!