Where best to buy for guaranteed rental


Registered User
Am thinking of taking my first step on the property ladder and want to rent out any property that I buy.

Will have about 340K MAX to spend (exclusive of any stamp duty)

Would I be better to push for a one bed somewhere like Blackrock or Dundrum or go for something a bit cheaper like a 3 bed in Carlow or elsewhere outside Dublin.(Would be less financial pressure on me but would the rental potential be as good)

In general is a one bed much harder to rent than a 2 bed?

Am not familiar with the northside of Dublin at all but maybe there would be good rental areas there too?

Whats the best way to go about researching the rental possibilites of an area?
Many thanks
I would wait till this "bubble" does whatever it's going to do first. I think there really is a growing consensus that we're approaching or at the tipping point. You've probably heard all that before tho......