When to pay tax on rental income?


Registered User
I have just rented out my property as of August. My question is do I file a tax return in 2012 or 2011? I found the guide to filling in the return on the Revenue's website but couldn't find the actual form itself. Can anyone guide me to it please?

Many thanks
The tax return for 2011 isn't due until end of October next year. Saying that, if it is likely that there will be a tax liability for 2011, you will need to pay preliminary tax on that this year. This is 90% of the liability and is due by 31st October 2011.

I have been renting out a property this year for the 1st time, and just assumed that I had to start chatting to an accountant sometime next summer in preparation for my Oct 2012 tax return.

Should I see one soon? Don't know anything about preliminary tax liability.

Because you only commenced letting property this yea, (and I'm assuming that you never previously had to file a Form 11), then your options for preliminary tax in Oct 2011 are either, 1) Pay 90% of the current year liability, or 2) 100% of the prior year (i.e. 2010) liability.

As you weren't a chargeable person (Form 11 filer) in 2010, then 100% of Nothing is Nothing...

That is all well and good but if you roll on 12 months towards October 2012, you will be hit for a double whammy, owing all of 2011's liability on or before 31/10/2012, along with the preliminary tax for 2012 (which by the same rules as above, will be either 100% of 2011's bill, or an estimate of 90% of 2012's).

So the conventional wisdom is to pay in preliminary tax as much as you can, based on your best estimate of what you might owe, to avoid a cashflow problem when Oct 2012 comes...
I see now, thanks for that info. I might look into paying some this year to lessen the blow.
If i started renting out my property in Nov. 2010 can I only deduct 1/6 (2 months Nov./Dec.) of:
Interest paid in 2010 (well 75%), mortgage protection, home insurance etc. from the 2 months rental income for 2010?

thank u
Correct, anything prior to that would be pre-letting expenses and not allowable. See IT70 on the Revenue website...