When the dust settles how much will we owe?


Registered User
We have bailed out the Irish banks, we are now about to borrow more money from the IMF to bail out the German banks and pay for the 30% deficit we are running. By the time everyone has got their pound of flesh how big will our national debt be?
Just looking at Vincent Browne and figures of 90 billion plus being mentioned. Not sure of it's accuracy though.
How many zeros' are we talking about anybody here willing to type them up for us??:eek:
Well, as a bit of depressing fun, €90bn (90 thousand million, 90,000,000,000), in €1 coins, laid end to end, would circle the globe at the equator over 52 times, or reach the moon nearly 5 and a half times !
USA owes 13 trillion
Uk owes 4.5 trillion
Ah sure begorrah were only in the hapenny place
USA owes 13 trillion
Uk owes 4.5 trillion
Ah sure begorrah were only in the hapenny place

Big,big difference
The UK and US debt is in their own currency.These countries can just print the money to service their debt, which is exactly what they are doing.
Ireland hasn`t that option and never will have even if we had our own currency as no one would want the irish currency.