Wrong forum When does Jobseeker's Benefit run out.

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I have been on Jobseeker's Benefit since beginning of February. I am on the lowest rate, €160 and times are very tough, I've taken a mortgage break and I struggle week to week with the help of small overdraft. I have lot's of debts.

I've had custody issues this year and cannot claim for my child since the summer. He's now spending afternoon's here, have extra costs, still have to pay for Santa but they won't give me anything till an agreement or court order is in place. Going in to mediation shortly.

Will my Benefit run out in early February after being on it 12 months and change to Allowance (which is higher)?
Or when we go in to 2010 can my allowance be recalculated based on different tax year (was working full time in 2008)
I was on Disability for 6-7 weeks in summer - will this extend the Jobseeker's Benefit in to March?

I'm at my wits end and hope I don't have to sell my home. Had 7 interviews but no joy yet, trying hard. Dreading the budget.
Sorry for going on.

When will I qualify for high rate?
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