Whats your Pet Hate?

I remember being in Canada and hearing them say "triple W", took me a few seconds to cop what they meant

This would annoy me more then double yew double yew i have to say. There is an ad on the radio at the moment and the address is called out as triple w, sounds very cheesy!.
This would annoy me more then double yew double yew i have to say. There is an ad on the radio at the moment and the address is called out as triple w, sounds very cheesy!.

What about "down the country" when they say double-ya double-ya double-ya
People who say "I done it" or "I seen it" instread of "I saw it" or "I did it" drive me crazy!!!

'yeah yeah i saww her, that is to say i seen her'...... this was on the simpsons episode years ago, was very funny.
Ads that patronise old people. Some of the BUPA ones sound like an episode of the Magic Roundabout.
By the way, most browsers don't require you to input "http://www" any more, so hopefully that old www tongue twister will soon die out.
  • Irish people who shout for Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal or Man Utd and then delight at seeing the English national team beaten.
  • Christmas decorations.
  • Smoking.
  • The winter months and the short evenings.
  • The deference of the Irish people towards the Catholic Church.
  • Rain.
  • Teenagers who make noise in the cinema.
  • Warm Coke~a~Cola.
  • People who love Christmas and then call others a Grinch because they don’t share the Christmas love in.
  • January – The horriblest month of the year.
  • The Cork County Board
  • Alcoholics
  • Jackie Healy-Rae
  • Waterford
  • Bald men with comb-overs
  • Gordon Ramsey
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People who ring the door bell then start hammering on the door a split second later.

Carol singers ambushing you as you are off-loading the shopping from the car.
People who send you funny emails every day because you once replied to an email they sent you.
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- Seeing people queuing for Bertie to sign his book.
- Old style Catholics still supporting the bishops.
- The expression "a big ask" and the misuse of "them" e.g. Them players, them things.
- Airlines waiting for the Premier League fixture lists to be published and then hiking up fares!
- So called rugby fans who won't cross the Liffey to Croker and then give off about Leinster natives who follow Munster!
- Superquinn who advertise offers on the shelves, but, charge the full prices at the till - happened us three times last month!
- Social Welfare fraud where the money could be passed to those genuinely on the dole etc.
- Scapegoating of front line public sevants while public servant managers continue to be grossly overpaid. I am neither.
- Still corrupt councillors and TDs who continue to be elected.
- Restaurants and car dealers who ripped us off for ten years and treated us like cattle now putting on the poor mouth.
- The vintners lobby getting a result in the budget, knowing the decreases will not be passed on.
You hate alcoholics?? Sounds a tad unreasonable to me I have to say.

I suppose I should clarify that.

I work with an alcoholic and I am constantly getting caught for more work as he is always out/sick or not turning up for work with all sorts of outlandish excuses.
The best one was last summer when he was out in a friends boat and came up with the great one that the propellers got caught in fishing nets so he was stranded for 3 days.
Needless to say when he came back whiskey was seeping out of his pores.
Christmas coming will be another great excuse for him to batter his liver and I will suffer the consequences of the extra workload in the new year while he is 'recovering'. What doesn't help is his doctor (who is also his friend) giving him certs.

I am sure there are others on this forum who suffer because a work colleague is a drunk.
The increasing misuse of 'albeit' by journalists who really should know better.

Exempli gratia — Gerry Thornley, in today's Irish Times:
'Going to the air continued to serve Munster well, albeit the penalty against Robins Tchale Watchou was a tad harsh as the ball appeared to come off Porical’s face.'
Oh, and the unnecessary use of Latinisms.

Given your expressed hatred of Waterford I find it difficult to have any sympathy for you,
Let,s hope your your work colleague has a hugely enjoyable Christmas !
People who think that the F.A.I. should continue to try to get Stephen Ireland to come back and play again for his country.

Any one of his remaining grandmothers could die at any time............ Come on, like!