Whats the worst gig you've ever seen/been to?


You saw Jake and the boys...
Yes - it was in Bristol in 88 or 89 - can't remember the venue - it wasn't the Bierkeller but it was a small place like that. The bouncers were getting heavy handed with people stage diving - they were giving them serious slaps then throwing them back into the crowd - this guy got up and bear hugged a bouncer twice his size and jumped back into the crowd holding onto him. The bouncer got absolutly battered - the music stopped - lights went on and it turned into total mayhem.
I'm going to see Snow Patrol tomorrow, me hopes I wont be returning to add them to this list..
I can't remember who the band were but 20 odd years ago I went to see Simple Minds in Croker, one of the Irish support bands were pretty awful and people started throwing plastic bottles at them, singer stopped and said if people didn't stop throwing bottles they were walking off, result, a deluge of bottles.

Aside from that, any Wolfe Tones/rebel band gigs make me want to puke, getting drunk and singing songs about killing Brits don't do it for me

Worst of all time though has to be some of the first Siamsa Cois Lee gigs in Cork years ago, Joan Biaz or Louden Wainright playing a stadium gig in front of 50000 people , truely awful

Yeah I don't like bouncers either, I think they need a good battering once in a while to even up the slate.

First time I say them was in 1980 then again in 1983 but haven't seen then since. Sadly
U2 in the SFX Gardiner Street Dec 23rd, the year was 1979, or could have been 1980. So I would have been about 14 at the time. Bono jumped onto a huge speaker during the set and started to sing 'just one cornetto' from the HB ad that was running on TV at the time. I was deaf for a few days afterwards because again we were dancing too near giant speakers. However at the time I thought the whole thing was brilliant but of course now I know better.....
That was an incredible gig. The line up was;

Blue In Heaven
In Tua Nua
The Waterboys
Lloyd Cole And The Commotions
Simple Minds

I was really into all the acts except Lloyd Cole. I think that was the day that the Waterboys 'robbed' Steve Wickham from In Tua Nua, which was great for the Waterboys and the kiss of death for In Tua Nua. Everything went right on the day. Great company, great craic, fantastic weather, great music.

Hard to think of a really bad gig. I saw REM in Marlay about 6 years ago, and Stipey just couldn't hold a tune that night, which was a bit of a bummer. I know other people who saw them the following night and swore it was a great gig. I was at their end-of-tour gig at the Point in 2005, which was one of the best gigs I've ever attended. I really hate the Point as a venue, but this was a really super gig.

Just remembered Peter Gabriel & Crowded House on a very wet night in Marley a few years back - CH were very non-descript, and PG was just terrible - looked like one of the 'embarassing uncle at wedding' rocking it out. Apparantly, the setlist was chosen by his die-hard fans via his website, which might explain part of why it was a terrible show.
Shane McGowan in the Mean Fiddler years ago. He came on about 2 hours late, couldn't stand, sang about 4 songs (incoherently surprise surprise!) and disappeared. Funnily enough went to see him a few times since though!
Yes absolutely brilliant gig! We got scammed on the way out because someone was selling what they told us were programs of the gig and when we opened them it was an Irish Magazine called Mahogany Gaspipes or something like that.
I just remembered that towards the end of the 'Minds set, there was a lightening storm, with huge sparks of forked lightening running what appeared to be the length of Croker towards the stage. It was like the best special effects ever.
I just remembered that towards the end of the 'Minds set, there was a lightening storm, with huge sparks of forked lightening running what appeared to be the length of Croker towards the stage. It was like the best special effects ever.

Yes and the sky got very dark, just like it was about to lash rain but didnt. Was that the gig where they let out the white doves?

And if my memory serves me correct, the lightening storm came on during alive and kicking where Jim was getting the whole crowd was singing along! Badadada
...badada...those bits. God, I can still picture it as if it were yesterday, that is the power it had!

What year was it? June 1986?

That has to be my favourite gig of all time, bar none.

Sorry, I just see this thread was for the worst gigs and I am hijacking it.
I was at that Simple Minds gig too and nothing will ever come close! Still remember sitting on the hessian matting in the sun before the bands came on and there was this spaced-out bird beside us. She gave a big smile, stretched out her arms towards my best mate and then threw up all over him!! How we laughed!!
Many years ago (early 80s) the Kinks played the National Stadium and played a blinder. It had sold out very quickly, and got such a great review that they came back later the same year and played the RDS.....the one I was dragged along to!

It was awful, the band didn't care about the audience, and vice versa (there appeared to be plenty of drink taken on all sides!!), my friends who'd been to the Stadium gig were very disappointed, and we all left early to get the bus home!
Coldplay in Marley Park, 2005 (I think). Spent the gig not seeing Chris Martyn cos he was sitting down a the piano most of the night with his back to the crowd, result was a band with no front man. Rubbish.

Spearhead supporting REM, Slane 96. Dreadful.
Stereophonics, last time they played the Point. Was a brutal performance. I love their music, but they are not entertainers. More of a studio band, definitely.
Diary of Anne Frank on in the West End where the acting of the German soldiers was so bad that the people in the front row were shouting out ' she iz behind ze panel in ze wall' just to get it over with.
Diary of Anne Frank on in the West End where the acting of the German soldiers was so bad that the people in the front row were shouting out ' she iz behind ze panel in ze wall' just to get it over with.
Was it funnier than the book?
Oasis in the Point, 1997 at the height of their hubris. Dreadful.

Radiohead in France, 1997, again awful. They just did not want to be there.

Best was Oasis/REM at Slane 1995.