Whats the point of paying PRSI if you dont qualify for a State Pension


Registered User
I cant find the answer to this so aoplogies if it is "obvious" My partner has returned from UK and has done a variety of jobs since, all entailed paying full rate PRSI but at retirement age I dont think enough contributions will have been made to merit a pension.

Partner will have contributed about 14 years PRSI. So the quesstion is, why pay PRISI or does it cover other items and the pension is just an add on?

If you worked previously in the UK does that not also count. I think there are some agreements where contributions outside of the state would be recognised also.
Full rate PRSI also covers for Jobseeker's Benefit, Illness Benefit, Widows/Widower's Contributory Pension, Invalidity Pension, and the limited Optical & Dental Benefits that may still be available.
I think there was some misinformation along the way, apparently the information given 10 years ago was along the llines work 13 years or more and you will get a pension but the magic words that were missing was " pro rata.

And yes I thought there were other benefits.

I read that link and I am still scratching my head!!

Thanks all.
