Whats the best way to withdraw savings and convert to foreign currency


Registered User
Hi Folks, Our life savings (€26k) are currently in Northern Rock. with all this uncertainty we were thinking of closing the account and changing it to sterling or dollars and buying a stell box and keeping it at home.
Could anyone advise on what would be thw best way to do this.
  • ask NR for a cheque and we physicaly cash it and then do foriegn excahnge in bank
  • have NR transfer funds to our irish bank current account and do transfer to foriegn excahnge there
  • Will an irish bank give you that much foriegn exchange in cash
  • Is an irish bank the best palce to do this
  • should we just open an off shore account and transfer funds to this in a foreign currency.
  • Should we just spend the lot before its worthless
Any advice greatly appreciated
Don't put your money in a box at home, there are much better options.

Have you considered opening a GBP account with a non Irish bank?
Don't put your money in a box at home, there are much better options.

Have you considered opening a GBP account with a non Irish bank?

have considered it but don't know how to go about doing that.
have been going through threads on this board and am somewhat confused.
ideally I suppose I would feel safer with my money out of the euro banks, But unsure of what uk banks I could trust. I looked at Barclays wealth site earlier

would anyone have any other suggested Uk banks.
would I have to physically go to bank to open account and lodge the money or is it possible advisable to do it on line.