What to use to attach car door seals?


New Member
Hi all
I am hoping for advice on how to fix a car door seal that came off as a result of the frost.I put some lukewarm water around the door,it opened,but when I came back out of the house,it had started to freeze again.When I opened the door,some seal came loose at the bottom.I would prefer to use a double sided tape if I could,rather than glue.Has anyone done this repair.I am thinking of using Gorilla double sided tape?
Thanks Gemma
Same happened me in the heavy frost. These are usually help in place with https://www.amazon.co.uk/100Pcs-Fixing-Plastic-Mounting-Expansion/dp/B09X9ZTD1C/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1UHTCUU2X7ZIN&keywords=Car+Trim+Clips&qid=1673972334&s=automotive&sprefix=%2Cautomotive%2C864&sr=1-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 (trim clips) and you can get replacements from the likes of Amazon or motor factors.
Hi leo..I dont have any clips like that on mine.Its seems to have been glued originally.
Ah, in that case a strong double sided tape might do the trick, but make sure both surfaces are well cleaned before applying. Specialist weatherseal adhesive will give a stronger bond, but isn't foolproof either as you have found.
Ah, in that case a strong double sided tape might do the trick, but make sure both surfaces are well cleaned before applying.
I'll second that. Make sure that the surfaces are cleaned and dried thoroughly before applying tape (e.g. 3M double sided perhaps). Ideally clean using isopropyl rubbing alcohol (protect your skin!) or similar.
Reactions: Leo
Thank you both!!..I will try the double sided tape and give it a good clean,and hopefully it will work..
You can also buy sealant lubricant/conditioner which mitigates degradation of the rubber and sticking of the seals in frosty weather.