what to get for car tunes



I would like to get some sort of sound system for the car. I must be one of the few going around with cassette tapes these days. So should I go for a cd boot changer yoke or something like an mp3 player (an ipod?)
Any ideas on whats good and wont cost a fortune?
(If I get an ipod for use in the car, how do you get cd's into mp3 format, I dont think the free realplayer allows this, only audio format.)

Would an mp3 player be worth the hassle? I imagine you would have to bring it with you every time you left the car in case it was nicked.
If you do go for a hard disk based MP3 player then shop around and consider alternatives to iPods which are cheaper and arguably better value. You pay a premium for the Apple brand/styling and there are all round better players available for less money.
Just an idea ...........


I found the ol' tunes got a bit tiresome after a while.

Sad dog that I am, for some time I have been getting talking books from the local library to play in the car.

OK, you have to shuffle tapes/ CDs on the front seat but pick a good one & it can be a good deal more interesting than a few tunes

Had thought about this myself for a while and have come to the copnclusion that an Ipod or machine of similar capacity ( I think creative do a 30 gigabyte one for a lot less) would be the most versatile machine.

But not playing MP3 because the quality of MP3 been amplified though a large system is quite noticably poor. It would be akin to the difference between am and fm.
I've checked this with a friend of mine's and the difference is quite discernible.

My advice to you would be to download cd's, which you can do from the software provided with the ipodiething, as a full capacity cd, ie don't compress the file as an mp3 but download all 700 mb per album (it will be a fair bit less per album as most cds don't use the full 70 minutes. This will mean, you will have the cd quality on you ipodithingie which I think, if my maths are right, wil mean you should be able to fit about 43 x 700 mb albums on to you Ipodieting which really means you should be able to get about 50 cds packed on to one.

I think I'm right in wot I say! Can anybody verify!

> But not playing MP3 because the quality of MP3 been amplified though a large system is quite noticably poor. It would be akin to the difference between am and fm.

Depends on the MP3 sampling bitrate. 128Kbps is a common one that balances compression ratio with sound quality and is often indistinguishable for most people from the original CD playback. However higher bitrates and variable bitrate sampling will retain more quality at the cost of less compression. I would be surprised if many people could tell the different between higher than 128Kbps MP3s and the original CD.

I have a 10 cd changer in the boot which works out fine, but if I was to do it today I would go for a car stereo that can play MP3 cds. These are quite cheap (around 150 euros in argos i think). You can then use your PC to burn compilation cds with around 10 hours of music on one cd. I would burn a few cds - one compilation of all my favorite irish artists, one for british, one american, etc. I would then only need those few cd's. No having to carry an ipod with you all thew time.
good idea


do you know if those mp3 stereos can be set up with a boot changer?


I presume you can buy them now, but they were not around when I bought.
Seen BMW pushing

... an IPOD interface you put in the glove compartment. This gives you the freedom to use the IPOD in and out of the car. Very clever and definitely the writing is on the wall for the cd changers.

The I-River is very good and excellent value as a rule.

I've got a 40Gb and use it in the car with one of those tape player things, it works really well.

It can play a lot of formats (my favourite being ogg which is better compression than mp3 and better qualityat the same time). Inbuilt sound recorder and can tune into radio stations as well.

Mind you these still cost about €300 to €500 I think.

Check this thread over on boards.ie