Health Insurance What policy would cover gyno surgery?


New Member
Hi all,

Just wondering does anyone know if male breast (gyno) reduction surgery is covered by private health insurance in Ireland.

My company has offered to pay for whatever policy I choose to go with.

Also any tips for anyone who has undergone this and got covered by insurance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks ever so much.
It may be a long shot to get a definite answer here, so just providing some information which may be indirectly useful.

This suggests it is covered only in specific circumstances:

Health insurance covers this proceudre in a limited set of circumstances. Patients will be advised at the time of consultation if they meet the criteria set down by the insurers for cover. In the majority of cases, this procedure is performed on a self-pay basis.

If you don't have private health insurance at present, you need to consider that it would likely be assessed as a pre-existing condition and waiting period of up to 5 years when you first take out health insurance