What must you do to be allowed become a credit provider?

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Registered User
AFAIK, the only way to be able to be a legally-enforceable loan giver is to register with the Financial Regulator.

This costs EUR1000 a year.

What else do you have to do to be permitted to provide legally-enforceable credit?

Do you have to charge a certain minimum amount of interest over and above the ECB base?

Do you have to keep specific records of your clients and their repayments? (That's reasonable, though if the FR demands a certain format, that'd be good to know too)

Does the FR specify that you must keep X amount of money in your bad debt provision?
Yes, I have.

It seems to be a bit incomplete, specifically with regard to the following questions:

Do you have to charge a certain minimum amount of interest over and above the ECB base?

Does the FR specify that you must keep X amount of money in your bad debt provision?

It seems unlikely to me that they don't have strict rules for these things, yet it's not mentioned
Have you considered taking some constructive steps towards answering the questions that you are asking?
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