What is investing?


Registered User
We need a better definition of investing, I have read the research i can't remember it or care to look for it at the moment.

Ok so if you buy shares and you sell them a day or a week later is it investing ? For me no it's not it's speculating/ gambling or whatever you want to call it.

I'm not sure at what point it becomes an investment but I consider it investing if I play to hold it indefinitely. If I needed the money in 5 years I'd still class it as a risk , I'm going to say 20 years is roughly where I see the line between investing and speculating.

I invest excess cash quarterly into the stock market. I also gamble/ speculate on things.
I transferred money to my brokerage account after stocks crashed and I expected a bigger fall . I was willing to buy at a certain price.i didn't buy as I don't see the risk/reward as worth it, I did not forsee stocks rising to where they are now . But I have still been investing a smaller sum quarterly.

If your shares fall 30% and you sell or your shares rise and you sell your probably not investing your likely trading at best. Once you sell when do you get back in ? You give yourself the headache then of trying to time your next entry and all of a sudden your down a rabbit hole of a cycle of buy sell which probably won't end well.