What is an amendment P35?


Registered User
Could somebody please clarify in layman's terms what the above is and what it is used for?

Where mistakes in vat have been made can a P35 completion and submission remedy mistakes made in previous fillings?

If so is it too early to complete a P35 for 2014?
An amended P35 would be submitted to change payroll details, such as gross wage, employee PRSI class, which had been included in a P35 for a previous year, already submitted to Revenue.
If there was an additional employee to be included the employer would use a supplementary P35, not an amended P35.

The P35 has nothing to do with Vat.

You probably can submit a P35 for 2014 through ROS at this date. I haven't tried as I would always wait until 2015, in case there are unforeseen employee events.
Thank you for clarifying Gervn.

Is there such a document were Vat can be modified i.e to rectify mistakes or should Revenue be simply written too; pointing out the errors made in the initial submission of Vat?