Health Insurance What health insurance covers


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so here’s my issue. I have a pre existing condition so I know I’ll have a 5 year wait period. However, what are the day to day health claims that can be made? I have to get monthly blood tests due to the medication I’m prescribed-would the bloods be covered or included in the 5 year wait? My CT scans I have and consultants appointments? I’m running in circles trying to understand it all as I’m new to health insurance.
Any help would be great. I’ve been looking more at VHI but I’m not decided yet.
I’m sorry if this is all a bit vague my brain is fried from reading lots and not getting the answers I need.
With specific needs like that, it might be worth paying the likes of Dermot Goode to get a comprehensive assessment and recommendation.

I’m assuming bloods can be done at GP’s as they are in the UK? Just googling around trying to get a base of rough costs but it’s all such a huge variable.
Any GP in Ireland can take a blood test and send it to the local public hospital for testing.The testing is free but the GP is entitled to charge for taking the bloods and transporting them to the hospital.

If you are having this done monthly, it's worth finding s GP with reasonable charges.

The invoice from the GP will be a normal GP invoice so can be claimed on health insurance if you have a policy which covers GP visits.
Any charges which are not covered by insurance can be used to claim tax back at 20%.

Alternatively, you can go to the phlebotomy department of the hospital and have it taken for free. However, the hours they are open may not suit your working hours.