what does a lady wear to black tie wedding?


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We are going to a black tie wedding down the country and Mrs patspost is not too sure what to wear. Is normal wedding attire suiteable for a lady to wear or should a ball gown be worn??.
I would be grateful for people to share their experiences
A ball gown would be over dressed.

A cocktail dress would be suitable.

What age is your wife? Over 50's should probably stick to typical wedding attire.
It's much easier for woman at a black tie wedding as most things are fine, men have to have the tux (and generally most have to rent, so pretty much money down the drain !!). I've seen women at black ties in everything from a smart black pants & nice top, to cocktail and (boardering) on full ball gown. I reckon you'll have a good idea on what is acceptable depending on how "pretentious" the couple are.

Personally, not a big fan of "black-tie" weddings (could you guess) as I find many people feel so much pressure on exactly what they should wear - surely it's better to have your guests wearing what they want & just be happy to share your day.
Worst nightmare - unless Mrs. Patspost is a fan of shopping/dressing up (not all of us females are!)

As suggested, a cocktail dress is good and gown OTT. A summer dress would not cut quite cut it. Think elegant wedding attire. I'd generally be going for a dress rather than trouser suit - which I'd comfortably wear to a regular wedding.

Old faithful, LBD (little black dress) - if subtly (don't want to look like mutton dressed up as lamb now) blinged up, that is shiny clutch bag, appropriate jewlery, etc, works well.

Have a look at the back pages of the irish glossy magazines - I'm not actually suggesting buying them, but if you're at the Dr/Dentist!

p.s. trust me, it's not easier for us girls - specially those who aren't keen on dressing up/shopping. It would be far easier to be told, wear a black suit. But maybe that's just me.
Here you go, lots of advice in the Nenagh Guardian for [broken link removed], which includes this gem:
Don't wear anything torn, with holes, stained