What do you think of Consumer/Client Blacklists ?



What do you think of Consumer Blacklists ? I run a chain of hire stores in the City, I have some clients who are Persona Non Grata as they consistently over run hire , under pay and default or worse still state hire items as stolen.

Myslef and some other memebers are forming a Blacklist of consumers for our own records , what is the feeling out there on such a thing.

title edited by ajapale
I think they are probably a good idea, but you need to be *very* carefull with regard to the data protection act and slander.

If I was participating in such a scheme I would be likely to say that "in my opinion I would probably prefer not to loan equipment out to Joe Bloggs"

If I were to say "'Joe Bloggs is terrible at returning stuff and never returned one of my things at all" you are more likely to get into trouble if Joe Bloggs gets upset about his good name being muddied.

It may just be linguistics and it may ultimately make no difference if Joe Bloggs were to take personal offence anyway, but it would be better to be carefull.

One of the people participating in the scheme may be his friend, so the gentler the phrase the better.


Yes Fair point , we would only have a list of names adresses and contact numbers and say a code for each offence e.g Bad Debt , Late Returning , Fraud / Theft , False Declaration of ID etc.....

I know people have a right to acess this information however we are not publishing untruth , our service and system records are there to back up the facts.
Re: Re

Under the Data Protection Act, you would be obliged to inform customers BEFORE they give you their details that you intend to use their details in this way. If you were to share any information which you hold with other companies without the customer's permission, you would be breaching the legislation. Under Data Protection legislation, any codes which you use have to be explained to the customer also.

Interesting......how do the banks then do it via the ICB and not inform customers?
Re: ICB?

The banks generally do inform customers of their intent to share. For example, from the [broken link removed];