What do do about inferior service from Management Company/Agent


Registered User
I am one of over 400 members of a Mgmt. Co. The properties are a mix of apartments, duplexes and houses. My common area carpet is particularly grubby from a very dirty tenant of a property who has left, and badly stained for over a year now. It is really badly stained. There is always an annual carpet clean and the usual weekly hoovering. The last annual clean was in summer 2011. I have complained several times about the state of the carpet, but to no avail. I have been advised that no carpet cleaning will take place until end of 2013!!, after having been previously advised of other dates during this year.

I am annoyed by this. I just want the carpet cleaned. I pay my mgmt fees and they are considerable at €1.5k per annum. I am legally obliged to pay this every year, yet I am not getting acceptable cleaning in the common area.

Any advice?
Have you considered getting involved in the management company. If more people get involved it may be possible to improve the service.
Maybe your management company doesn't have the money to do a clean more than once every couple of years. And this is probably due to non payers and people not getting involved in the management.

If it really bothers you would you consider cleaning it yourself, a small area is not going to cost a lot.

In relation to the 1.5K annual management costs, cannot comment on whether it is significant or not until one knows what services are included. If I were living there the very least I'd want to know is what all the management fees get spent on to see if I were getting value for money.