What about a fee based energy comparison website for Ireland?

Brendan Burgess

There has been much criticism of price comparison websites. They get big fees from some suppliers to give higher priority to them. In fact, it has been suggested in the UK that you should check a few price comparison websites to get the best deal.

is a different service. They charge the customer £25 per year and continuously monitor their deals. They flip them to a new supplier if there is a better deal available. They take no commissions or payments from suppliers.

Although it was set up in 2015, apparently it has very few customers. The standard price comparison websites have millions of customers and are very profitable.

I switched back to Electric Ireland recently as they have given a commitment not to have special cheap deals for new customers and then charge them a high rate after the first year is up. My plan is to forget about it.

I would pay €30 a year for Flipper to monitor my energy bills.

It's a great idea, but at £25 a year with a few customers, it can't be commercially viable.

Flipper sounds like its very good, they do all the work for you.
Look all the time for new deals.
Monitor your actual usage from the bills and not rely on nation averages.
Make the switch themselves, you seem to not have to do anything.
The fact that a Google search throws up a host of links to a dolphin movie first doesn't help. Also it seems to be very UK orientated.

Edit : (hit post too early) would be worth a look if they can back up their claims with Irish reference's or testimonials.