Wet suits



Can anybody advise of shops in Dublin that sell kids wet suits ?
If you know anyone going over to France in the near future, the Auchan supermarkets are selling nice ones at €29.99. Looks to be worth about €70 or €80's worth by Irish standards — plus ça change...?

Yeah, but these french supermarket wetsuits are not made from real neoprene and are not as warm, as comfortable or last as long. Go to the west / n.west of Ireland where sports like surfing etc are huge, and the shops there have the best value. One shop in Sligo has new full length small kids wetsuits starting from only € 25

There is a shop in Abbey St, opposite the side entrance to Easons that sells equipment for all water related outdoor activities, don't remember the name.
Bought a couple in Capel Camping, seemed good value , 3 for € 110.