Westwood gym - Clontarf Rd

Hi guys

Sorry to bring up such an old post but I thought it would be better than opening another thread.

Basically I am a member of the gym out in UCD but they have no pool facilities. I am not a fantastic swimmer by all accounts. I only discovered on holidays in September that I am a bit better than I thought I was and that's why I didn't bother with a gym with a pool originally. I still have 6 months left on my membership so I am not looking to join a gym just yet and anyway I am out in Ranelagh so it wouldn't be worth my while joining Westwood out on the Clontarf Road. Anyway cutting to the chase can anybody tell me if they offer rates per day out there? I would like to go somewhere with a pool (that is the same depth throughout), jacuzzi etc...this Saturday for an hour or two and this place is meant to be good. Does anybody know how much it costs for a day pass?