Weeds How do you kill them


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Got the back garden paved and now there are some small weeds beginning to creep in between the pavement stones. I know its easy to pull them up etc However I heard there is something that kills them completly. Cannot remember the name but its the stuff they use for marking football pitches, no I dont want lines out the back

Is there anything out there than can kil all known weeds dead

I use Roundup weedkiller on my cobble lock and around the base of my hedge plants. I usually spray about twice per year.
It's more work but I prefer to try and pull/dig them out getting as much of the root (in particular tap roots of certain weeds) as possible and perhaps pouring little heap of table salt on individual weeds. I try to avoid chemical weedkillers.
No matter what chemcials are used they most effecitve way is to pull them, but some just keep on coming back, best to keep on top of them and keep plucking
Pathclear is good for patios and paths. Just apply it at the beginning of the season and it should keep you clear of weeds until September/October. Be careful using other weedkillers, some can leave a permanent stain on your patio or cobblelock.
If the weeds are growing in cracks in a paved area, a v. effective and environmentally safe way of doing it is to chuck some boiling water on the weed. Kills it in a second - will have withered up and disappeared within 24 hrs.