Web site design


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Can anyone recommend a good web design company who are experienced in search engine optimisation/ promotion etc, and also good with ecommerce. I am trying to get an internet based company set up so it is crucial I get the right company to design my website but unfortunately I don't know any personally!

Any advice/ recommendations greatly appreciated.
This kind of thing is not normally cheap!

A friend of mine paid over £8000 for an e-commerce site to be built, they then wanted more money to optimise it, although this should of been done from the outset in my opinion.
Be very careful here Lozza. Most of the time (specially if the budget is small) web companies use an "out of the box ecommerce sollution" . Many of these pose issues to the search engines trying to index the content on your site (query strings etc). before appointing a vendor check how some of their previous ecommerce website rank on google for relevent terms. Try and find a solution that uses web standards one of the benefits of this is that way your site will be better from a seo perspective.
A lot will depend on your budget.

Shop around and get a few quotes before you make any decisions.

You're better off choosing an established company that will be around in 6 months time to implement changes / updates rather than choosing the kid next door because he's cheap.

A couple of reputable operations:

This kind of thing is not normally cheap!

A friend of mine paid over £8000 for an e-commerce site to be built, they then wanted more money to optimise it, although this should of been done from the outset in my opinion.

I agree its not cheap at all, most will try and accommodate your budget as much as possible though. I disagree somewhat with your 2nd point in the sense that SEO cannot all be done from the outset, onpage optimization can of course be taken into consideration somewhat during the development of the site, however things like keyword research and of course getting loads of links from directories and other sites take a real long time and thus in my opinion should not be included in the design price.
SEO optimisation can and should be done when the site is been developed. It is usually very much overlooked - but for something like an ecommerce site is a very important consideration during site design - Even simple things like product URLs should be designed for SEO optimisation.

When getting a quote make sure to mention SEO and the ability to tweak the site to change the SEO parts of the site. If you want any advice then send me a PM
SEO can and should be done when the site is being developed is correct however this alone will not generalyl get you high ranking and thus its reasonable for companies to ask for a separate fee for seo.
SEO can and should be done when the site is being developed is correct however this alone will not generalyl get you high ranking and thus its reasonable for companies to ask for a separate fee for seo.

well said simplename , there are other things to take into account such as linking key word weight and key word repetivity a good resource / starting point is www.wannabewebster.com

it can take quite a while to get SEO correct and is somewhat of an ongoing things, indeed one of my sites www.cpu.ie is still undergoing SEO despite ranking number 1 in quite alot of the relevant google searches etc

also word of warning , be wary of SEO "optimzation" cowboys that are out there who will employ cheap tricks for short term success but long term will badly affect your SE rankings