'We' are pregnant !

Good point. I/We went through the same thing and talking to friends helped.


Regarding the "we are pregnant", isn't there a condition called couvade syndrome whereby a man experiences morning sickness etc?
'We are pregnant'......no you're not!!! Makes as much sense as we are menopausal, having a period, impotent or we are in labour!!!
As regards 'fell' pregnant..........it's what you expect to hear from the cast of Shameless , enough said!!
A male friend called over after we announced 'our big news' and said "Congratulations - I heard you are pregnant". I looked around the room for my wife but on remembering that she was still at work I thought there must be an intruder in the house! I said "what"?

I nearly had a bout of evening sickness
I am pregnant, he is most certainly not, in fact at times i think he must have thought i was joking when i told him as i am yet to see an improvement in his housekeeping skills that i was led to believe he would develop after he proved himself as a man!! lol. To be brutally honest i'd prefer to hear him saying "i got josephine knocked up" rather than "we are pregnant"
I hope your name is Josephine, or else you're very understanding.

Good one Zag.... The way I feel at the moment i could nearly do with a josephine to pack him off to for a few days!! (his mother doesn't seem too interested)

Ahhh,, I don't mean it really.....
Good one Zag.... The way I feel at the moment i could nearly do with a josephine to pack him off to for a few days!! (his mother doesn't seem too interested)

(I presume I misread that and you don't want him substituting "my mother" for Josephine as per your earlier post)
I don't know about 'we are pregnant' but TO ME 'we are trying for a baby' = 'we're at it like rabbits!' and I find it quite irritating.

We're pregnant doesn't annoy me that much because if I ever get pregnant myself there will be the two of us in it. You don't need me to tell you that self service doesn't work that way unless that's what they mean by 'fell pregnant'.