Way around deposit?

It is not up to the builder to waive the deposit, it is the bank that requires a deposit.

OP, did you include the information that you are paying your mam's mortgage when the bank approved you for the mortgage?

sorry meant waive the balance of funds not deposit.
Thanks for that Spin.
My Mam got great news on Friday she is starting a job on the 5th January so I will only have to pay her mortgage for December then I can start saving again in January. Don't think she will need to apply for the supplement.
Complainer- my Mam does stand on her own two feet it wasn't her fault she had no job. She had given up her job at the start of the year to mind her best friends children who had passed away in January. She then had to give up minding the children because it wasn't good her her mentally or her health she was totally wrecked. Also her own father died in May. She got a part time then but got let go from that as there was lay offs and she was the last in. She to say the least she hasn't had a very easy year so the least I could do to ease the strain on her was pay her mortgage for a couple of months.

Doozie- I wasn't on that website I was looking on www.hse.ie as Spin had said that it was the HSE that you applied to.

DubGus- can you explain to me why you think people like me are the reason the economy is the way it is?
You are not the reason the economy is in the sh*t it's in.... The builder(s) like the one you describe are the reason... His whole scam/scheme is ridiculous and dangerous... Don't go down that road... Wait for better time and a better bargain... There will be lots of them!! Don't mind DubGus....!
Your Mother should be so proud of you. Its great to see in this day and age that a young person is willing to help out when a parent is under financial pressure as its usually the other way around.
Best of luck with the house, I have no doubt but you will get this property really cheap in the new year. Put in a very low offer and work up. Regarding getting a mortgage, there are some lenders still giving out 92% mortgages and in order to qualify I would advise as follows :
Save as much as possible on a regular basis
Dont borrow for car/personal items in the meantime
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