Water pipe burst, who is responsible?


Registered User
Hi, this is a question for a friend of a friend of a friend.

They have bought an old house in need of total renovation. It's getting near being done now, but the builder managed to burst a pipe in the back garden. This pipe supplies other houses and is not repairable. Who is responsible for repairing the pipe? The owner doesn't have money to pay.
Who is responsible for repairing the pipe?

Ultimately the Property Owner is obligated to restore the water supply to the other houses. However in this case the Builder has damaged property belonging to the Property Owner and is liable to repair the damage. Hopefully your friend of a friend has a Contract with the Builder and that the Builder has insurance cover. Otherwise they'll either have to fork out for the repair themselves or have to bring the Builder to Court.

I think the answer to that is no and no, unfortunately.