Water Charges...back on the agenda!

Personal responsibility for your own actions / property??? Outrageous, the man should pay for everything and we should be allowed to continue our wasteful practices unhindered by consideration for the rest of society.
Yeah, sure don't we have an abundance of wind.....free lecky for all
Yeah, sure don't we have an abundance of wind.....free lecky for all
And sure doesn't most food just grow in the ground with like, the sun and stuff doing, well, like, you know yourself. Sure why do they charge us for that?
And if you waste food it just goes back into the ground and grows again so it's not really waste either... right?
This is great stuff. So we have free water, lecky and food. What about houses, sure aren't all the materials from the earth in some shape or form? That's the housing crisis sorted there. And sure, if everything's free, then nobody needs to work. Full employment for all. Sign me up for this so I can stop learning all this hard stuff for my job...
Jeez! Triggered much guys!

The good news is that the government have considered the OECDs advice of introducing water charges and have decided against it.

Those socialists in the thread who care so much about the poor and vulnerable must be delighted to know the poor and vulnerable will not have to use their scace financial resources deciding whether or not to cut corners on sanitisation in order to save a few bob.
Although the same socialists seem concerned that 'the rich' (whoever they are) will have to pay for everything.

If the poor and vulnerable shouldnt pay, and the rich should not have to pay, who should?

Comparing petrol lines in a privately owned car to public water supply lines is absurd.
If you leave your emersion on and go on holidays, you pay the bill - what that has to do with underground leaking water lines is beyond me.
I doubt if you will get the Marxists out protesting for that. Then again, maybe that is what those meagre protests outside the GPO are about? Doesn't matter, it makes no sense so that is why - if you look outside your window at the real world around you - such a suggestion is absurd.

And having offered the benefit of the doubt, sadly some people do actually appear to think the clean, safe water supply we do have arrived for free!
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The good news is that the government have considered the OECDs advice of introducing water charges and have decided against it.
Seeing populism trump the public interest is not goods news.
That was never going to happen, but you know that and are choosing to misrepresent the proposal. There would be a generous allowance above which charges would apply. The point would be to encourage the responsible use of water and have a metering infrastructure which would allow monitoring of leaks etc.
I seem to remember previous political promises of a generous allowance before... no voter could place any trust in such a promise.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
The well has been poisoned by the omnishambles FG & Labour made of water charges last time round.
Politically it is dead, and it was killed by a democratic reaction not populism.
The popular revolt on water charges reached critical mass because of the omnishambles.
It would have been politically possible to introduce a form of water charges that gained grudging acceptance but it was corrupted from the start because the form FG and Labour brought them in had very little to do with long term water security and were not in the public interest.
I agree it was a shambles; political ineptitude on a staggering scale but saying it was a popular revolt is a bit much.
I agree it was a shambles; political ineptitude on a staggering scale but saying it was a popular revolt is a bit much.
Well, feel free to suggest an alternative description, there were large numbers of protestors on the streets about it and they weren't the usual protest everything brigade... By Irish standards it was a bit of a revolt.
There was a widespead reaction among the centre ground of voting opinion which swung against Irish Water and arguably cost FG-Labour re-election. And they should have been a shoe in. It wasn't even good electioneering never mind the ineptitude of the administration of it.