Warehouse Mortgage Interest Free??


New Member

I am new to this and hope this has not been asked and answered already.

I too like so many others ended up with a split mortgage where there was an active loan and an interest free warehoused amount. My active amount was €165k and the warehoused amount is €62k. The issue I have is that the active amount is extortionately high and I know it is to claw back interest which is not been paid on the warehoused amount. Are others here in the same situation?

Thanks in advance :)
Hi RayRoss, I’m not on a split mortgage, but could be in the future… I’m curious as to what rate you are paying on the active part.
It’s bad form on the lenders part if they offer a more affordable solution only to Jack up the interest rate higher on the active mortgage.
Hi Redrunner. Thanks for your reply. It is currently at 7.28%. I used the words "extortionately high" in my op, and I can say that I used those words very purposely.
Scandalous, I’m on a fixed rate at the moment which I had before I was sold to pepper, I’m keeping an eye on what to expect when that runs out.