


Hi everyone,

Newbie FTB and have just started looking at places around the Walkinstown area (around Walkinstown Ave., Walkinstown Dr., Walkinstown Pk). Would be really handy for work but heard that the area has a bit of a bad rep...I guess there are good and bad spots.

Been around on Saturday nights and it seems ok, some teenage kids hanging around but that was about it. But I'd appreciate more opinions of the area. Safe place to live? Good for kids? Am particularly concerned about burglaries/robberies, from previous areas I've lived in!

I dont live in the area, but live close by and pass through it quite alot.
Overall, I'd say that Walkinstown is a good area - the comments that I make below are based purely on the visual appearance of the area.

From what I can see the areas you mention are not as nice LOOKING as those on the St. Peters road side of Walkinstown, the houses on this side tend to be a bit better looked after. However, this is also reflected in the price.
Regarding social issues / safety I dont know of any major problems in the area, I get the impression that it is an area that has turned a corner and is getting better.
If it was me and my budget only allowed me to search in the Walkinstown Avenue area I would choose some of the roads off Walkinstown Avenue as there tend to be alot of traffic jams on the avenue during rush hour. This is something that would annoy me.

You're doing the right thing in visiting the area at different times - thats the ony way to get a feeling for a place.
Not a badplace but if I were looking around walkinstown I'd be looking the other side of walkinstown road- balfe road Hughes road etc. As poster above says though price is likely a factor. So all in all not a bad buy! Good luck
Walkinstown Drive is dead quiet and very residential, could definitely recommend it
any 2016 opinions on Walkinstown?
A few nice properties on the market < 300k
I live close by and cant say a bad word about the area. I think sometimes the reputation of an area might not be reality and might be based on the past rather than present. IMHO there are very few "bad" areas to live in Dublin and I certainly don't think Walkinstown is one of those!
yeah, I worked around Walkinstown for a few years and I lived in Crumlin for a while. I always found Walkinstown to be nice. There are a few houses for sale around Balfe road/Bunting road for 250/280k. The area seems settled and the houses/gardens are a decent size. They seem better value than their equivalent in Drimnagh where the houses seem more cramped.