Vuvuzelas: That awful buzzing noise at the World Cup in South Africa.

The yanks were chanting "BP sucks" at the English on Saturday night.

I'd say that got them pretty worked up alright.

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Proof positive that the yanks have an awful lot to learn about this whole "sahcerrr" mullarkey in addition to playing the thing.
Don't know hwere the 15 years came from as they wre being used in the very early 1990's when I lived in Swaziland.

As I don't follow the round ball game, I'd rather watch The Great Escape than any soccer match. I do prefer Zulu though!

OK i'll make it 19 years of tradition.

And the Great Escape comment refers to the brass band who follow England and play it at every opportunity finishing each time on "Ing-Lend"

Chants will never be great at a WC. Club matches will always have the best ones. It's hard to get a load of fans to learn off decent chants in the space of a few days. Well, unless you can corale them in to a bar, feed them with beer and then teach them every line e.g. "We all dream of a team of Gary Breens"
Still, even "BP sucks " is better than the vuvuzelas.
A week in and to be honest, they don't bother me one bit.

As is often trumped, football is a game for the people (someone really should tell FIFA that). Just because the tradition in the UK and Ireland is to sing, chant or hurl witty, passionate, apt, tribal, racist, sectarian, xenophobic, homophobic abuse, it doesn't mean that's the same everywhere.

I've been to matches on the continent and they're dull compared to what I'm used to. Rose-tinted glasses and all that. But from what I recall most other world cups have had a handful of teams with chants and songs, most is just silence, Mexican waves and the locals screaming rather than anything co-ordinated.

Then we can way back to the days of the rattles and whistles. God they were annoying.

The point is who the hell are we to say our way of watching the one game that has spread out across the world is the best or correct. Soccer is successful because anyone from any background can kick about a ball, empty drinks can, stone, tennis ball, and get a match going. Because for some reason that team you get landed with in your youth suddenly takes up more of your emotion and wellbeing than is rational or logical.

Maybe the reason why the vuvuzelas only have a relatively recent history at soccer games in SA might have something to do with the oppression and all that stuff which only ended relatively recently.

I'm just not sure people realise just how patronising they sound complaining about these things. Send in your complaints to the English Daily Mail, that's the place for all that unkempt, uncivilised, if only johnny foreigner could be like us type rants.
I could hear the Mexican fans singing the "Cielito Lindo": "Ay, ay, ay ay, canta y no llores, porque cantando se alegra el cielito lindo los corazones". Its great to hear all the fans from the various countries again.

Oh dear God, that sums it all up!!
Now you can browse the internet with the feeling you are at the world cup...
[broken link removed]
Oh dear God, that sums it all up!!

It does indeed sum it all up because it was a joke. Because it's all about lightening up and not taking everything quite so seriously. Because while the forum is Letting off Steam, that doesn't mean those that aren't quite so bothered about something can't state so. Because it's the World Cup, I'm passionate about the game, I've seen France humiliated and I'm doing great on my WC predictions and group finishing’s so could well be in for some nice readies in a few weeks (touch wood). And more simply because that's how they enjoy the game in SA, get over it.

I enjoy (well until last season) being on the Kop singing my heart out, some of the songs, when you've a full house singing along, bring a lump to your throat. But I'm not going to deny there aren't songs that are odious, offensive and have no place coming from a decent human being. Give me the horns over them any day.

But there we are that's how we do it at the games. On the continent it's different (there’s screaming, whistles, horns, flares, pigs heads, knives, and over zealous police with batons), in the States it's just "U.S.A" constantly (now that is loathsome).

No one is hurt, no one is offended, no one is insulted. If I'm the only one who thinks that white Europeans seeking for FIFA to ban the horns because they're annoying isn't trying to impose a "proper" way of watching a game and isn't in some way offensive in itself, then I'm happy enough on my own.

So you can dissect all the above too if you wish. It's still just an opinion, it's still riddled with poor, thinly veiled sarcasm, but it doesn't change the fact that I really don't find them annoying. I can only apologise for such an appalling imposition on this forum as being able to tolerate football fans enjoying a gain blowing a horn. I hang my head. I opt for lethal injection for my sin.
Didn't appear in any way jokey to me!
perhaps Its the way you tell em...

Then just as I apologise for being so bold as to hold a dissenting opinion, just as I apologise for stating that opinion, just as I apologise for not finding the horns offensive and just as I apologise for feeling the calls for them to be banned is patronising, I also apologise for not making the bits that were sarcasm clearly identifiable with sufficient warning, notification or explanation. Mea culpa.

Seems to me that you have missed the point of the initial post, namely the complaint re. the ear splitting drone of boring sound from these mickey mouse bugles.

We all love the usual banter etc.that goes with football matches
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the HD channels are finding a work round now and they are almost inaudible, lovely.

Seems to me that you have missed the point of the initial post, namely the complaint re. the ear splitting drone of boring sound from these mickey mouse bugles.

We all love the usual banter etc.that goes with football matches

No, I just don't find it as annoying as others seem to and I don't agree with dictating what is the right and wrong way to be a supporter at a football match, each to their own.

It should also be noted that while the media contends that they're annoying and annoying everyone, the bloggers who are actually out there seem to disagree and in fact a lot of the travelling fans are playing them too. So what we really have is some annoyed journalists and people watching at home. While everyone there at the game seems to be having a ball.

Still though, I'm with the SAVP, this is a showing of racism in it's highest form.
Sorry but I must be racist too, as I really hope that all the African teams get knocked out asap so that they mght not go to the rest of the games, and we might hear some real football fans chant and sing and cheer and sigh through the games.
Sorry but I must be racist too, as I really hope that all the African teams get knocked out asap so that they mght not go to the rest of the games, and we might hear some real football fans chant and sing and cheer and sigh through the games.

It's not racism so much as ignorance to differentiate what makes a real football fan by the way they choose to celebrate their team.
Sorry but I must be racist too, as I really hope that all the African teams get knocked out asap so that they mght not go to the rest of the games, and we might hear some real football fans chant and sing and cheer and sigh through the games.

My "racism" statement was part of a link to an article in The Onion, so I wasn't accusing anyone of racism.

The issue of it being patronising is where there have been calls for them to be banned. That's how they follow the game in SA, find a way to live with it. People should claim there's only one true way to be a fan or watch football.