Vuvuzelas: That awful buzzing noise at the World Cup in South Africa.

They probably were given their tickets for free. These guys have no interest in the game at all.

It's just a different way of supporting a team, they might think people who sing obscene chants or spend the 90 minuts effing and blinding and spend their time getting drunk going to and from a match have no interest in the game either.
I've watched plently of rugby games in South Africa, this never went on

Must be completly different fans or at least different traditions
I've watched plently of rugby games in South Africa, this never went on

Must be completly different fans or at least different traditions

It's not 100% true, but this could be explained by the racial divide in the two sports. Rugby tends to be a "white" sport and football a "black".
It's not 100% true, but this could be explained by the racial divide in the two sports. Rugby tends to be a "white" sport and football a "black".

If it's mostly blacks who play the vuvus, you can understand how "tensions" might have arisen.
I wonder are there alot of people fainting at games if they spend 90 minutes blowing into a horn!
According to Twitter (Oliver Kay, Gabriele Marcotti), the organising committee have decided today not to ban them.
I's agree that the interest in football is perhaps weaker than the interest in being there.

In fairness, it would be difficult to engage in a match to any meaningful level if you spend the 90 minutes blowing into a bloody horn.

In the Nou Camp there is a section of absolutely mad fans that turn their backs on the games and spend the match chanting at the opposition supporters, I'm sure that the SA fans want to create an atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression because this WC is very important to them. It is annoying but if that is the usual way of creating noise at a match well they must be used to it and enjoy it so leave them to it.
my missus is delighted, I dont watch footie anymore. Roll on the premeiership. I would have been gutted if I had gone to a live match.

How can you follow a match, ie watch the action and blow into a horn that is pointing at the sky???


They are not to be nanned...its part of the tradition.Bloody Hell
blowing plastic horns is a tradition..First WC ever that just cannot
sit and listen to that awful noise.And then there is Gabriel Egan..
They are part of the black S. African culture. As Latrade says, you won't hear them at rugby matches because most black S.Africans watch the round ball game.
The solution is simple. Put on mute . After all, the commentary is nothing more than calling out unpronounceable names one after the other.
So FIFA throw out 34 hot young women in mini skirts and leave the clowns with vuvuzelas in the stadium? What's gone wrong with this world???!!!

The yanks were chanting "BP sucks" at the English on Saturday night. The samba drums of Brazil are an integral part of the WC. Did I hear either? Nah, I just heard those stupid vuvuzelas.

I don't care what the tradition is (if you can call 15 years tradition). Muting the TV is not the answer. I want to enjoy the oohs and aaghs of the crowd and hear the singing.

Ban them quickly. The atmosphere at the games is just not the same. At this stage I'll almost take The Great Escape for 90 minutes.
Don't know hwere the 15 years came from as they wre being used in the very early 1990's when I lived in Swaziland.

As I don't follow the round ball game, I'd rather watch The Great Escape than any soccer match. I do prefer Zulu though!