VRT/ Tax on Toyota Rav4



This whole VRT mularky has me totally confused, especially with the new changes in July.

Can anyone help me work out the following?

If I was to buy a 2006 Toyota Rav4 (2.0 diesel) in the North for £14k stg, what would the VRT be? Same q re motor tax. Would the motor tax be affected come July? Would it be worthwhile buying now, or post July?

OR, would it be better in the long run to buy an 08 version? Same q's re the applicable VRT and motor tax.

Any help would be much appreciated, cos I cant make head nor tail of it all. (And, as for that revenue online site - dont start me on that!)

You need month and year of 1st registration, mileage of vehicle, exact model then use the "duty" section here - http://www.revenue.ie/

The price you pay in the North is irrelevant (for VRT calculation purposes)
If it was an 06 Rav4 registered in Jan (30k miles) or Sept (25k miles), any ideas?

I've tried the ROS site and am not impressed with it - gives estimated VRT sometimes, but other tiems it wont even recognise the vehicle!

I've been told that the VRT on a new Rav4 would be roughly 3-3.5k. The thing that concerns me most is the new changes coming in July - would these be good/bad for a new Rav4, especially one bought this month??

If I got the 06 one, whats the story with tax?? Say I tax it for a year, then next feb would i pay the current rates or the new 'greener' rates??
In July, there won't be a huge change in VRT for new model, so probably not much of a shift for import either.

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The above links suggest applicable VRT rate will change from 30% to either 28% (2.0 VVTi) or 32% (2.2 D4D), so not a huge change in VRT.

Road tax will be 600 and 1000 per year respectively.