VRT Legality Questioned


Registered User
I saw this on the BBC website


It got me thinking has anyone questioned the legality of VRT in relation to the:The ECJ now says national laws which prohibit the import, sale or use of foreign decoder cards are contrary to the freedom to provide services.

Now I know this relates to decoders but surely the transfer of on any goods within the EU are contrary to the freedom to provide services.

I just think that it doesn't seem fair. Might be wrong but maybe someone could legally challenge on these grounds.
AFAIK Ireland has a special dispensation from the EU to continue to charge VRT
I am pretty certain that all avenues have already been explored but if this sat coder ruling offers a new one then somebody will too.
The VRT is quite clever. Its essentially a tax on the registration of a vehicle - not an import tax. It does not matter where the vehicle is purchased, the tax is the same. As such you cannot say it's unfair. That it makes cars here more expensive than say, the uk, is irrelevant. I think Denmark have a similar charge as cars there are even more expensive.