Voting at Management Company AGM


Registered User
Hey all,

Just a quick question. At an AGM of the Management Company, the rule is that one member = one vote, with membership being awarded to people who have made their annual fees in full. But if there are two apartments, one owned by a single occupier and the other owned by a couple, does this mean that each apartment has one vote each?
The rule is one apartment = one vote.
I understand that where there is more than one owner that whoevers name is first listed on the deeds is entitled to the vote. However as always I would advise you to check the Company Rules on this matter. It is important though because often where a Management Company is not correctly run people vote at A.G.M.s just because they are in attendance with their spouse, partner even though strictly speaking they should have only one vote in total.
Yeah that's my concern, that in a show of hands both spouses raise theirs!