Voluntary Redundancy


Registered User
Hi All
Dont know if this is the right board or not so if it isnt tell me where it belongs and I will go there
Anyway I have been off sick from work for 5 months now and I was back at my GP today. The company I have been employed with was taken over by a new company and I had a meeting with them last week. They have told me that they wanted weekly certs off me ( I was giving my last employer monthly ones as given by doc). I told this to the doctor today and he said that weekly certs are not an issue but he said that I need to talk to them about returning to work .... or not as the case may be....

He said it will be a "very long time" before I will be back, he said we could be talking months and months yet. He said that I need to inform my employer of this. He asked me if my job was under threat and I said I didnt know that the staff handbooks/contracts say nothing about what happens if you are out sick for so long. He said that they may ask me to take voluntary redundancy. I said I doubt it because as far as I know that if your made redundant that your job no longer exists, and in this case it would exist. He said "ah yea but sure all they have to say is that the busness picked up and they needed a manager again, and its not as if every voluntary redundancy is looked into!".
Ok for me, at the end of the day I can understand that an employer cant wait around forever not knowing how long someone is out sick. They have a business to run and all that. However if they let me go then where do I stand? When the time comes for me to go back to work and I have been let go am I automatically entitled to jobseekers benefit/allowance (sorry dont know the difference between them). Or do I have to wait the time period for JSB/JSA as one would if they were fired or quit a job?
Has anyone any ideas on what I should or indeed can do in this situation? Personally I dont see how they can offer me voluntary redundancy as it will cost them money. As it stands theyre not paying me and its costing them nothing to keep my job open. Is there a standard amount of time you can be off sick before they can let you go (fire you)?
Sorry this post is so long!! Thanks!