Vokera mynute 16E problem


Registered User
We have been having an issue with our Vokera mynute 16E for the last 3-4 months which is now getting worrying.

The boiler seems to be on all the time when not being used but only heats when the timer is set to specific times. Before this started happening the boiler would always be quite in non-operational times but now it seems like sounds like its flushing constantly and firing all the time. It doesnt heat up the rads when this is going on.. So its not a problem in terms of heating constantly.

I have done numerous resets (turned off boiler, turned down terms etc..) but nothing has worked. Vokera are quoting 250+ to look at it so was trying to find alternatives.

Any help massively appreciated.
Just replied to your pm on this and gave a list of possible faults.