Video Interview - Any tips

Marco 1972

Registered User
Have to do a video interview with PAS, not live, basically talking to camera in 3 min bursts,

Do l wear shirt & tie ? inclined to but feels weird,

how formal/informal when addressing camera ?

what not to do as l feel this may be more of a culling exercise than a selection one for the nxt stage.....

why has the PAS application process become like NASA selection anyway...


Dress Code:​

Even though you will be in the comfort of your home, many people find it really helpful to dress as you would for a face to face interview. It helps to ‘get you in the zone’.

From here -

I would always dress appropriately for an interview regardless of whether it's in person or not. It will be reviewed by someone so it's always best to give a good impression.
If you can set up the space so that you can stand while doing the interview, you will automatically sound more energetic/enthusiastic.
Just remember they may ask you to move the camera around the room to check you don't have any cog notes on post-its hidden! They may also ask you to show your ears for any earpieces - this happened me.
Definitely dress as you would for a "normal" interview.
Make sure the room you use has the best soundproofing and broadband/wifi you can possibly have.
Speak formally and clearly, don't use slang or acronyms.
Time yourself beforehand the 3 minutes will fly and you don't want to be speeding up at the end!
Practise looking at the "interviewer" rather than yourself on screen.
Good advice here, one small clarification - given that it isn't live, don't worry about broadband/wifi in the room. You're just making a recording, and you can upload it later.
You probably won't get it right first time. It's not live, so take as many goes as you like. It's a bit cringy reviewing your own videos, but do have a look and see how you can improve them.

PAS love the STAR technique, so look it up and try it out if you're not used to using it.
It's all about appearance and projection of your image and intelligence. Even the way you smile, hold your hands, sound, body language - don't over act, over state, over inflict your opinion. Try and look relaxed and remember only one at a time can be heard properly. It's all about (wait for it . . .) Media Training. A few on this website could train you well.

My tip for today is:- Don't score an own goal as it's recorded forever. Use the camera and the microphone to your advantage and refrain from jumping up and throwing your hands in the air. Use the medium, don't let it use you. Blue shirt with not too loud tie looks well on videos.
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Sorry but this is wrong, it's not an optional uploading at your leisure. Or at least it wasn't 2 years ago, it may have changed. You have to sit at a specific time and it's one-take. I had an issue with broadband even though i'd gone into work specifically to avoid that potential and having a circle of doom spinning in the corner of the screen while you're recording is very off-putting.
That was my assumption when the OP said that it wasn't live. I'm open to correction.
Thanks for all the advice, took it onboard but it was tough enough over 3 minute bursts, realised that you depend a lot of visual queues from a person sitting opposite who also mediate against being robotic, got a few points across amid a word salad at times......
Reactions: Leo
Most other people will have been the same, best of luck.