Vesting shares after leaving- how to meet tax obligation


Registered User
I have just received shares(just vested) from a company I left 9 months ago .... I am not on their payroll.
Normally the shares would be subject to Paye/Prsi/on my previous company payroll and my tax obligations would be met.
How do I deal with it when I am not an employee. Do I declare it to the revenue on my end of year tax return or is that too late and I need to declare the income sooner.
The company will be still be required to deduct tax on the share award. Typically sufficient shares are sold to pay the tax liability. However if tax isn't deducted then you should do as you mention and include on your tax return for 2019 after the end of the year. This may impact on your preliminary tax liability for 2019 or 2020 and will depend on your other tax affairs.