Venue for concert


Registered User
Morning all

It's that time of year again and choir has started back with a bang. The group I am involved with hold a concert every year just before Christmas. We used to use the hall of the school we used for rehearsals but last year branched out and used a more established venue (the College of Further Education in Rathmines). I'm looking for suggestions for other possible venues now. Airfield House and Marlay House are too small - ideally we'd like somewhere to seat between 100 and 200 and preferably with a decent piano available although that's not necessary. The Pavilion in Dun Laoghaire is a possibility if we could get the date but it would be expensive and we would need to work hard to try and fill it. The community theatre in Dundrum is now not going to open until next year so that's out too.

If anyone has any other suggestions, please do tell.

