Use House for Tenant Rental or Holiday Rental


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We recently inherited a modest bungalow and were considering whether to use it as a standard house rental or because we live in a scenic country location to use it for short term holiday rental. Any pro's and con's? Is holiday rental more lucrative?
You have to make a careful business decision considering all pros and cons throughout the year.

IF you are in an area with a good holiday rental DEMAND, and I don't know if you are, because all I know is that your area is 'scenic', but IF so, you CAN get a lot more on holiday rentals than with residential tenants. But you need it in order to be paid because:

One big CON is simply the amount of work involved -- this is HIGHER for the holiday rental.

Keep the 'off-season' in mind also. You can get good money on holiday rentals in the tourist season, but outside it?

Consider using; The great advantage of airbnb is that it is very conventent for the advertising, booking and payment; they take a reasonable commission. In advance of your decision, you can also use that site for useful market research -- pretend you are a tourist looking for a place to rent nearby and check going holiday rental prices in your area, where you will see the potential competition, and get a sense of what they can charge for what.