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I can't help but wonder will mad George go the whole hog and invade Iran after his bombastic and aggressive speech last night, which no doubt wasn't answered int he most appeasing way by the Iranian Pres (we're ready to fill the vacuum). But by saying they were going to confront Iranian "murderous" activity and giving military in Iraq to do so, it's getting a little dodgy.

I do feel Daddy Bush is behind a lot of it, and his buddies. After all, it was he and his CIA cadres that messed up by not predicting the overthrowal of their murderous puppet by students and religious folks, and subsequently the Embassy hostage affair. Could it be like Iraq, that revenge is best served cold?
I think he certainly would love to but I don't think America has the military manpower or the economy to fight a war on three fronts; Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. His military should be telling him the same thing! He might think that he can get away with just airstrikes on Iran but long term that would be a very dangerous move as it would set Iran and its population firmly against the US.
With the US economy slowing and the possible knock-on effect for the price of oil, talking up tension with Iran is a great way to keep his buddies in the oil industry coining it in. Just 'cos it's a conspiracy theory, doesn't mean it's not true!
That's a good point Yogan, the oil and "energy" lobby (are Red Bull part of this cabal?) would love to see the rest of the region in flames. It continues to baffle me, that at a time when there is more oil available, more being found, and greater capacity for pumping, that the price could hit 100$ by the years end. War is great business for the natural resources people, a few more scare tactics and we'll be too busy to notice the USA and Moroccan (their allies) monkeys invading anymore countries.